Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Storytime on Saturday didn't go very well. I had a overly excited two year old who quickly turned into a very tired, cranky two year old who's mother had to carry her to the bus stop... not fun! Luckily she had a four hour nap when she got home.

My new job is going well, a bit slow but good. I don't mind work being slow at first because it gives me a chance to orientate myself. Hopefully it will pick up in about a week or two, otherwise, I will have to bring a book to work with me! :(

My husband has the MONTH he is coming back, now if only we knew the week or the day. Unfortunately I won't most likely find out until a day or two prior, which makes it tough to take a few days off work in advance. Luckily my work is pretty good about time off and I'm fairly certain there won't be any issues with some last minute days off, especially considering the circumstances.

Respite tomorrow evening, joy oh joy! I have a meeting to attend and have a few errands to run, so it will be nice to not have a toddler in tow for a few hours.

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