Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm not posting nearly enough! Part of me thinks since there is only five weeks left that the deployment is basically over and in no time my husband will be back home! Plus my work has been keeping me crazy busy so that last thing I want to do when I get home is log onto the computer and think!

Since my husband has been away so long I find myself doing nothing but what I need to do to have my daughter and I survive. I get up, get dressed, get daughter dressed, give her a big glass of milk then put on our outer wear, grab my lunch and snacks then walk to daycare and work. Then I eat my breakfast at work, work out on my lunch hour, eat my lunch at work then head to daycare, pick my daughter up, walk home (picking up milk on the way if need be) then home to scrounge together supper. Supper is not always nutricious but it's food. When my husband gets home I will concentrate on normal healthy meals, but for now it's sheer survival.

God, I will be so thankful when this deployment is over.

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