Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Seemingly never ending roller coaster

It's the respite roller coaster - and it's over three years long! Long story short, my local family support centre refuses to help me because we live off base, I do not drive, and the city transit does not go to the base so I can't access the deployment respite they offer. They say they don't have the budget to hire a sitter for me, or for pay for a cab ride to the base and back... and they don't want to give me a ride either. So, it seems I am SOL because I have a S family centre here!

I even approached the FSS (Family Support Section) in Edmonton asking if they could help (we live in Winnipeg) and another long story short, they can't because we're in Winnipeg and must receive service from Winnipeg. Too bad service in Winnipeg means f-you.

So, another long deployment (14 months) without support from the military. Sometimes I wonder why I haven't gone insane yet, or if I am insane and simply am too insane to realize that I'm insane. Or perhaps I must be insane to have stuck with this crap for this long!?

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