Sunday, April 4, 2010

Its one of those days

Those "do I want us to remain a military family" days. I am so sick and so tired of living life with no family, no close friends because we move so often, and a huge lack of support from the military. I long for my life back in our old big city, where we had lots of close friends, some family, and respectful employers who valued that we worked long, hard hours. So far removed from the life we now live. I have to say, the military is by far the worst employer I have ever encountered. I wonder why so many families stick with it? Is it their committment to serving, even if it means their life becomes a living hell? Is it because they know no different? Is it because they are happy living this life? Or are there many other unhappy spouses out there - not unhappy with their spouse, but unhappy with their spouses employer, who just learn to put up with it somehow?

1 comment:

  1. (((hug)))

    I suppose there are some of each in this life, depending on who we are and where we are on the journey.
