Thursday, January 28, 2010

My last day of work is tomorrow - yipee! I'm starting to think about packing for the trip. Today I wanted to book Amtrak but they need our passport numbers, and my husband locked them in the fire proof safe.... only I have NO clue where he put the keys!! I hope I can find them before long, other wise not only will I be unable to book our train ride to our destination, we won't be able to cross the border to go on our trip!

Lots of stress on my plate, some good, some bad. Trip is good, work is good except a temp was given a half hours notice that her temp job was done with, which I find highly unfair considering she was a decent worker. Unfairness always cheeses me off, but since I only have one more day left it's hard to get too involved. Plus I figure something better will come up for her, then she will be happy that she was forced to look for what will make her happy.

We had our first book club meeting this evening at the local library; I've been part of a book club for almost a year now, and we have decided to combine forces with the library and hopefully bring in a few new members. I'm very excited about it and hope it is very successful.

I'm not sure if I will be posting before we leave for our trip, I intend to, but if not, then I shall continue my little rant-blog around the end of February!

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